· 2, Location. California. . # Purchase the Diamond DJ discone if you have PL connectors on your LMR If you have N connectors on your coax, then purchase the Diamond DN discone and start enjoying the hobby. Taking off the top vertical element as recommended will reduce potential RFI from around 50MHz. OPERATING MANUAL DJ/DNJ Super Discone Antenna for Wideband Reception Assembling the DJ/DNJ Super Discone Antenna ・Number below each part name is a part number ・Coaxial cable is not included”) (6m) DIAMOND ANTENNA Products are distributed by RF PARTS COMPANY S. Paci˜c Street San Marcos, CA () · 2. DJ Original Diamond Vertical Discone Antenna. The DJ antenna is slightly on the expensive side of the spectrum but not without reason. It is a compact and lightweight antenna that is easy to install and comes with the following features: It is an ultra-wideband antenna with a range of 25 to MHz.
Download Diamond Antenna DJ Operating manual. 1. The DJ /D13 0NJ Super Disc one Anten na is. the firs t ul tra- wide band ant enna in the mark et. whic h can co ver am ateu r radi o, air traff ic. cont rol and othe r v ario us utili ty frequ ency. band s and, in addi tion, even some amate ur. radi o frequ ency bands wit hin the coveri ng. OPERATING MANUAL DJ/DNJ Super Discone Antenna for Wideband Reception Assembling the DJ/DNJ Super Discone Antenna ・Number below each part name is a part number ・Coaxial cable is not included. ”) (6m). Since all radial rods are designed to have the same length, the DJ/DNJ is perfectly omnidirectional as original discone antenna and can receive radio propagation from any direction evenly. The DJ/DNJ can be made further compact and lightweight by removing the top element assembly, if it doesn’t require to receive lower end frequency range.
Diamond DJ Super Discone Antenna Source: www.doorway.ru A discone. My first Diamond antenna. Very well designed. Constructed of high quality materials. Good instructions. Like other Diamond antennas, this one is compact and lightweight. It assembles fast, needing only half an hour max. This is only better due to the manual, which.